Friday, April 29, 2011

A Bit of History - 1966

Looking through my scrapbook and box of memorabilia for a blog topic I came across a photo torn from an issue of the Silver Bay News.  What I found interesting, though, was not the picture. (It was a photo of my United Protestant youth group).  Because of all the attention on Medicare this year, what caught  my attention was the news article on the reverse side of the paper.

I folded the paper to include a scan of date but it's hard to read.  It's March 16, 1966.  Basically it's an article to inform people over 65 that they can sign up for the new Medicare program in Two Harbors, at the Iron Dock Hall.  The official beginning of Medicare: July 1, 1966.

The Class of 1969 was in 9th grade.  My classmates will remember that few people in Silver Bay at that time who were over 65.  My dad was older than many fathers in our class, 40 when I was born, and only 54 in 1966.

After a few minutes of historical research I can offer you a few other 1966 tidbits:

Oscar for Best Picture:  SOUND OF MUSIC

Grammy for Best Record:  A TASTE OF HONEY/Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass

First Episode of STAR TREK: September 8
(This same year CBS decided to pull a broadcast of Hitchcock's film PSYCHO because of excessive violence)

Boston defeated the LA Lakers. (I rarely watch basketball but I do live in L.A. and it's NBA playoff time. The Lakers won last night.  I saw some of the second half of the fourth quarter.)

All for today.  Next time: articles from another newspaper, the SILVER SCROLL.

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