I think it's funny that I ended up living close to the Hollywood sign in the movie capital of the world when we didn't have a movie theatre in Silver Bay. Someone told me once that Silver Bay planners considering building a cinema but eventually decided it might corrupt the youth of the town. I wonder if that's true.
We saw a couple of films in the auditorium during school hours and many on weekends so that students organizations could earn money.
I remember seeing A TALE OF TWO CITIES during junior or senior year and being totally confused. Eventually I realized that the film canisters had been projected out of order - seems to me we saw Reel 1, then 3, then 2, then 4. Now that's an unintentional flashback narrative style for sure. Bill remembers it, too. We've laughed about it many times, thinking it strange that no English teachers realized that the story was out of sequence. Maybe they were all in the faculty room smoking??!
Remembering Elizabeth Taylor... one weekend we saw BUTTERFIELD 8 on Kelley's movie night. I wonder who didn't realize what that was about. Speaking of confused... this naive teen was not at all sure how Taylor's character earned that fur coat...
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