Monday, April 11, 2011

More about Movies at Kelley

I wish I could include a visual aid here.  In my senior scrapbook (yes, I kept and still have a senior scrapbook) I possess a piece of paper that advertises the showing of "Forbidden Planet" on Saturday, April 19, 8PM in the Kelley auditorium.  The ad was printed by hand except for a paragraph at the bottom which was photocopied from the film catalog.  The single sheet was then copied on a ditto machine. Ah, the fresh ditto paper.  I can almost smell it.  Anyway, the print is so light purple now I can't do a readable scan.  The film's stars are Walter Pidgeon, Anne Francis and Leslie Nielsen.

The question is why would I keep such an item?  On the top I have handwritten a message to myself:  "Have this... WHY?"  No idea when I might have penciled this note. I would guess at least 3 decades ago. Haven't looked at this scrapbook in at least that long.

I have a dim memory of seeing "Forbidden Planet" at Kelley. Here are some other films I remember seeing there:

THE TIME MACHINE (Rod Taylor and Yvette Mimeux. Must have been popular.  Seems like I saw it at least 3 times at Kelley.)

WHERE THE BOYS ARE (A favorite. Also with Ms. Mimeux, I think. It's still not available on Netflix and I don't think copies are available.  I wonder why. Summer break in Florida.  Some funny stuff and also very serious.  Paulette Prentiss is in it.  I loved her.  The lead actress later gave up Hollywood and became a nun.)

BUTTERFIELD 8 (with Elizabeth Taylor. Mentioned that in previous post)

FLUFFY (Comedy with Tony Randall before the Odd Couple.  He has a pet lion that scares everybody.)

OPERATION PETTICOAT (I still like this Cary Grant movie.  All those bras being stuffed into torpedoes, remember?)

To my fellow S.B. graduates:  if you remember seeing any other movies, please leave a comment!  I do realize we weren't always there to watch the movies. When you're a teenager there's nothing like a dark theater... even if it is the school auditorium.

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