This morning's paper prompted my returning to that micro universe of my young life - the Campton Gym. In the past I've chatted about events in that gym: a dance recital, seeing the movie Hemo the Magnificent, a shot clinic. Today today I'll actually talk about the gym as a place for physical education classes.
In today's Los Angeles Times, page 7, I read this headline: "American just keeps getting fatter, new study says."
This is not a new concern. In the 1950s President Eisenhower established the President's Council on American Fitness. The next president, John Kennedy, also a veteran, was a big supporter of this council. For those of you in gym class in the early 60s, you may remember a song with the lyrics, "Go Chicken Go." Sometimes Mr. Gere our teacher would plop the Chicken Fat Song onto the turntable in the Campton Gym. This song was written as part of the presidential program to get kids moving. Kennedy believed it American children should compete with the Soviets in physical strength as well as science.
Above is from the cover of a booklet providing guidance for fitness. I found the picture on a website for JFK's Presidential Library.
I hope to write more about gym class in the future - the good, the bad and the ugly. But for now, I'll leave you with lyrics from Meredith Willson's song, "Push ups, every morning. Ten times. Not just, now and then... Go you chicken fat, go..."
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