Thursday, March 10, 2011

Two Young Neighbors on Charles Circle

This photo is taken in the backyard of 37 Charles Circle in Silver Bay.  That's where my family moved after leaving the Silver Bay Trailer Court (photos of trailer court are included in a previous blog post).

I'm almost positive that the taller, shirtless young man is our neighbor James Tweeto - now with a TV show on the Discovery Channel - FLYING WILD ALASKA. The Kelley Class of 1969 includes his eldest sibling, Bruce.  The young man with the striped shirt may be a younger brother.

At the point where the lawn seems to end there's actually a long slope that goes down to the woods and the "crick."  After reading Laura Ingalls Wilder's On the Banks of Plum Creek, I thought, "Hey, maybe what my family and neighbors call a 'crick' is also known as 'creek.' "  This same ribbon of water ran behind Campton School. 

The expression on my face in the pic is not a smile. I had run and jumped - too exuberantly - into the pool and sprained my ankle.  The onset of pain and the click of the camera were simultaneous. No doubt I was showing off for the family member who held the camera.  

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