Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Silver Bay - Trailer Court

My family moved to Silver Bay in 1956 - not long before school began.  My first years were spent on our farm in Harris, Minnesota. (Remember, we all came from somewhere else.) While we waited for a house we lived in the trailer court.   The trailer court was on the lake side of Highway 61, not far from the Reserve offices.  I have a booklet of photos with 1956 printed on the side of each - probably taken up to Rexall Drug for processing.

When we drove off 61 and into the trailer court on that first day, Mom said she'd never seen me "act so wild" before. Until then I'd only played with one or two children at a time.  And on the trailer court's playground that first day, there were dozens of kids - I ran from the car whooping and shouting.

In addition to trailers, the "court" included rustic lake cabins, moved from Lake Superior tourist resorts. The land was purchased to build Reserve Mining Company, the reason Silver Bay was created.
Here's our first S.B. home:
Unlike our farmhouse, the two-bedroom cabin had running water and a bathroom.

The Sankers lived next in a cabin next to us and Joan became my first girlfriend.  Families that lived in the trailers included the Jensens and the Fitzgeralds, with boys who, if my memory is correct, were in Mrs. Firmhinac's kindergarten class with me. As was Joan. In 1969, they all graduated from S.B's Kelley High School with me

This photo booklet includes this picture, taken on one of my Red Letter Days: first day of school.

Mom sewed my dress and "pinafore."  The dog is Boots. (I may write about him later.)
I still haven't found my kindergarten class picture!  Luckily there's one in 1969's Silver Log.

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