Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Long time no blog.  I've been working diligently on my novel,  A CLOWN DOG'S CHRISTMAS.

Right now I have an artist finishing a cartoon for the cover and an editor nit-picking through the spelling and punctuation. It will be available in print and as an e-book by mid-December.

Above is a photo of Pebbles, the book's star. My lovely friend Yulia took the picture when she visited us in early July.

Here's the blurb, more of less, of what will appear on the back cover of A CLOWN DOG CHRISTMAS:

It's late December. But instead of Christmas cheer, Pebbles faces life with a clown who's turned suddenly sad!

Pebbles learns the reason for Beppo's gloomy mood.. and also realizes her career as a clown dog may end before it's begun!  It's time to act... and in real life, not just in the recital hall at Budapest U.

Pebbles must use all her talents, plus every skill she's learned in clownery classes, to give Beppo the one Christmas gift he needs most - hope.